The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin
Peace Blossoms Yoga
Group Class Schedule
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Filled for 2016
"From the first class, I saw marked improvement in all parts of my life. As we did the final relaxation pose after the first class, I felt much of the anxiety I had been carrying around drain out of me—-it was as if poison was being let out of my soul. Jane teaches us to “be” wherever we are, and she urges us not to expect, or to judge with the “doing” side of our nature, but to be simply where we are with the “perceiving” side of our nature, and to learn to hear and to unify the spiritual voice within each of us. Jane also proclaims forgiveness (of self and others) as part of this healing process. Body and spirit are inextricably linked which is a fact that had sadly eluded me until I had begun my practice at Peace Blossoms."
Amy S.