The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin
SPRING Blossoming the Inner Goddess
a Day yogini retreat to celebrate and nourish your true feminine nature when at the transitions in our lives
Please stay connected for announcements on future events!

I invite you to a very rich and special event with Jane. A day long yogini retreat offered at the flush of the Spring equinox. Spring is the ultimate awakening for our souls, body, hearts and minds to access your Feminine Knowing.
"At the Crossroads" may be alive for you this spring, or still under the compost pile of past seasons, but often in a feminine way, there comes a time to feel into your sacred embodiment to what is being called for at this time. I will be addressing loss, change and our yogini's hearts that hold us deep.
Cultivate just what you need at this moment for a joy-filled abundance to carry you into what this next season of your life asks of you.
I Blossoming your inner Goddess gives just this opportunity to be at the transitions of a women's life, plant your seeds in
This day- long retreat include a full day on Saturday, with a deepening of sacred feminine practices for
How to manage shifts, cycles and change according to our unique ways of womanhood
Cultivating an uplifting feminine yoga flow to enhance renewal and allowing your own natural balance to replenishment.
Breathing and centering to cleanse and clarify your personal needs in all aspects.
Awakening your goddess self through the inspiration and stories of the Mother Goddess, the Goddesses of Transition and of Abundance to fully feel your divine nature in any transition and loss.
Nurturing and healing yourself through creative play, a nature walk, journaling, listening and resting.
Guidance in healing meditation to help you in remembering your connection to a women's inner knowing and to what The Crossroads evokes in you.
A sacred women's sanctuary to welcome this SPRING EQUINOX awakening in you and connect you deeply to your body, heart, mind and goddess wisdom.
What you will need for this retreat day is your open heart and mind, and beautiful presence to support each one in stepping through the threshold .

Filled for 2016
"What a beautiful day we had at our yoga retreat. I’m proud and honored to have spent the day with you and other mighty feminine souls. I am grateful to you for your dedication to yoga, to us and the feminine spirit!
The setting was perfect and the energy divine. Can’t wait for our next one!"
Leslie G.
"Thank you so much for a lovely retreat day! I felt so much love, support and community. Just what I needed! From these gifts of yoga and goddess teachings, I have learned and grown so much."
Chris R.

Coming soon